9 May 2013

Moving House

So far in Amsterdam we have been living in Claudia's Tuinhuis - the garden community house. Our first night was frighteningly cold, the second a bit better and then the remainder of the time has been quite comfortable. Apart from not having a shower and the internet, we really enjoyed our stay there.

Claudia, Guido and Norah are off to Ibiza on holiday and they have asked us to stay in their house while they are away.

Prior to leaving, the whole family got together the night before for a farewell at the go to restaurant - the Pannenkoeken Paviljoen. This was Maarten, son Mark with wife Marina and daughter Beau, and Claudia, Guido, Norah and of course us!

After 11 nights in Claudia's town house we awoke for our last breakfast in the big garden dollhouse. With the weather so nice at the moment it doesn't feel totally necessary to move (as it did the first cold night!), but weather changes, and there's still not going to be any internet there regardless!

We quickly made our way to Claudia and Guido's to say goodbye to them and thank them for their incredible hospitality. Maarten came to take them to the airport in his huge van which would be perfect for a bank job - but apparently its his camper van. Hmmm.

With the family gone we still had to go back to the town house to collect our things. The townhouse has a small car park, but then there is quite a walk from the car park to Claudias allottment as no cars are allowed. This distance makes carrying stuff to and from the car a bit of a hassle.

To circumvent this we borrowed Claudia's bakfiets - her bucket bike. These are common here for either carrying shopping or children. Today it helped us move house.

With Nordine riding pillion we peddled to the town house to pack our stuff and the dog and move house.

Wow this made it so much easier - and way more fun too than carrying everything by hand like before!

Now we are nicely settled in. At our old place we had a steep ladder to climb to bed. Nothing much has changed in that area, now we have mega steep stairs to climb to bed.

In addition to our new stairs we also have new housemates. Claudia and Guido's dogs Sammy and Moos, as well as a skittish and camera shy cat - Molly. What a menagerie.

Poor Barney doesn't know his place here - but will be happy when he finds out that he will be sleeping with us upstairs while the chumps have to slum it downstairs. Who knows where the cat fits in.

Hello regular showers, internet, television, proper kitchen, stable power supply and regulated house temperature.


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